Thursday, 17 February 2011


Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of travelling
- Margaret Lee Runbeck

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go
- TS Eliot

Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm
- Winston Churchill

All the knowledge I possess everyone can acquire, but my heart is all my own
- Johann von Goethe

Indecision is often worse than wrong action
- Gerald R Ford


  1. sorry.. nak post in my blog, ter post kat sini.
    tak pe lah ya, read it in the context of TBLMM

  2. Ok..ok..
    Tp awak blh copy-paste ke blog awak..terbalikkan dr yg Ky buat..

    Taknak terjemah lagi ke?
